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Home / Roman Catholic Funeral Package

Roman Catholic Funeral Services

Teaching by The Catholic Church teaches that humanity will face two judgements:

The Individual Judgement and The Final Judgement

Individual Judgement

Individual judgement called particular judgement, Judgement of actions in accordance with God’s teachings will determine the direction of the soul. The soul will be judge and goes to the Heaven, Hell or Purgatory depending on how they have lived their life. Humanity will face two types of judgements, its the Individual judgement and the Final judgement

Final Judgement

Final judgement will come at the end of time, when all of humanity will be raised from the dead and body and soul will be reunited. Here all will be judged by Christ who will have returned in all his glory. The teaching on judgement is reflected in the Gospels in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats.

What are the common rituals at a Roman Catholic Funeral?

The rituals at a Roman Catholic funeral usually include:

  • Family to contact parish office to arrange for Priest to conduct the funeral rites, The parish of the deceased.
  • Cremation or burial booking can only be booked after the Priest timing had been confirmed.
  • A Mass will be carry out at the contacted Church.
  • A eulogy can be carry out before cremation or burial, The Funeral Director can assist. A eulogy is in honour of the person who has passed on. A tribute to someone who has just died. What is the purpose of eulogy? A eulogy is to recall and recount the memory of a person who has died. Remembering the defining qualities and highlights of a life lived, capture the essence of the life lived.
  • Cremation of the deceased, carry out at Mandai Crematorium and Columbarium Complex, address, 300 Mandai Road Singapore 779393. OR
  • Burial of the decease, carry out at Choa Chu Kang Cemetery, (in Catholicism, the Rite of Committal)

Is Cremation Allowed In lieu of Burying a Body?

In the year 1963, the Pope allowed cremations to occur and in the year 1966, Priests are allow to officiate it. Since World War I, Protestant Christians are allowed to be cremated.

"All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left." Matthew 25:32

“Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of every kind; when it was full, they drew it ashore, sat down, and put the good into baskets but threw out the bed. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:47-50

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We offer you a complete catholic funeral package to help you understand all the catholic beliefs. Our trusted team members render useful services in this domain. They will help you make all the arrangements, deeply considering fine details.

We ensure that all our services will help you pay the best honor to our loved ones.

At Singapore Bereavement Planners, we have a range of catholic funeral services in Singapore that we offer at affordable rates. We will provide you with proper funeral venues, burial plots, transportation, priests, and refreshments, so you will not be required to hire any third party.

Planning a catholic funeral package

Planning a catholic funeral Singapore is where most people get stuck. If you are unaware of all the procedures, especially the rites and rituals, then you need to hire a funeral director to aid you through the process.

Our catholic funeral services in Singapore will ensure proper management and planning while adhering to the catholic rituals. Before the start of the funeral process, your desires and personal wishes will be taken into consideration as well.

The basic purpose of our catholic funeral package is to make sure that all the funeral rights are performed in a dignified way and reduce the family members’ stress, helping them plan all the necessary funeral arrangements.

3 Days at void deck cost $4300

5 Days at void deck cost $4800

  • Funeral Director– To assist in booking of cremation slots, making all necessary arrangement and consultation of funeral procedures.
  • Pall-Bearer services– Collection of deceased body from place of death, Hospital or Home. Transportation service to bring deceased body back to our parlour for embalming, make-up and shower. Transportation service to bring deceased body back to funeral’s venue. Transportation service to bring choice of Casket to funeral’s venue. Pall-Bearer to present encoffining service. One service staff on last night of funeral.
  • Funeral day– Pall-Bearer and transportation to Church for Funeral Mass. Pall-Bearer and transportation to crematorium on the day of funeral.
  • Casket– A 6-sided economy coffin. Simple Polished Wood Cremation half glass coffin.
  • Hearse – A Glass Hearse.
  • Embalming – Cosmetic make-up, shower and Embalming service.
  • Tentage – 1 set of standard tent setup for casket area. Carpet flooring and curtains in casket area. 2 pieces of surrounding canvas. 1 piece of cooking area canvas 10 round tables, 15 square tables and 80 plastic chairs 2 big fans, 4 small fans and general lighting.
  • Toilet – 1 portable plastic toilet.
  • Fridge – 1 portable fridge.
  • Decoration– Catholic funeral decoration setup and backdrop.
  • Prayer items – Holy water, candles and prayer book.
  • Photo Enlargement– 1 enlarged photograph with 10inch by 12 inch wooden frame. 6 pieces of passport-sized photograph.
  • Flower arrangement– 1 photo flower wreath. 1 table bouquet.
  • Bus charter– 1 air conditioned bus to crematorium and back. (35 to 40 pax capacity)
  • Complimentary services– Complimentary Ash Collection Services. Complimentary Condolence book. Complimentary Condolence safe book. Complimentary Funeral notice at wake.

** Others Cost excluded from package.
*Others Items needed for encoffin necessities, (eg: T-shirts) will be charge on a consignment basis.
* Food and drinks will be charge on a consignment basis.
* No-hidden cost or GST for all our pricing.
* Customized of package is available upon request
*Package price exclude purchase of Urn, Niche space and Marble Inscriptions.
* Cremation fee

All information, pictures in this brochure are for impression only and may subject to changes as may be required. The Company reserve the right to change without prior notice.

Helping You with the Preparations

At Singapore Bereavement Planners, our mission is to deliver a quality catholic funeral package at reasonable prices. Our team of specialists is highly familiar with all the rights and rituals and will help you plan a funeral from the comfort of your home. We will ensure that the funeral ceremony goes on smoothly and solemnly.

We will take care of all the following services mentioned below;

  • Deciding funeral venue
  • Tentage service
  • Embalming service
  • Casket service
  • Wake and vigil services
  • Pall bearing service
  • Burial service
  • Cremation service
  • Collection of ashes
  • Transportation service
  • Decoration and floral arrangement service
  • Memorial services

Why Choose Us?

Our catholic funeral package is specially designed to meet all your needs in an affordable price range. It provides you an opportunity to get everything done by professional funeral directors. Besides this, you also get the opportunity of honoring and pay tribute to your loved ones.

Plan now a simple catholic funeral Singapore from the comfort of your home.

We are well aware of the reality that losing your loved ones, especially a close friend or family member, is never easy. You experience a lot emotionally and mentally. You have to go through a lot during these challenging times. And when the responsibility of planning a funeral also lies on your shoulders, things even get more complex.

Leave this funeral planning task to us. Our experts will make sure to plan the best funeral for you that proceeds smoothly as well. We will make all the necessary arrangements that fit your needs and budget.

With years of experience in funeral planning, our team members are trained in arranging a dignified funeral in less time. Whenever you contact us, we will be here to solve all your queries.

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Reply to us to receive a list of items you will need to prepare for the funeral arrangement.